Одним из заданий по английскому от @alexakravaa писать статьи на интересные мне темы 🤔👌 сейчас пишу уже вторую, а ещё не поделилась с вами первой 🙈 Нужно было прорекламировать мое направление танцев и написать почему круто заниматься Heels Choreo 👆 но реклама - это не мое 😂 поэтому родилась вот такая вот статья немного в другом оттенке 😉 «To dance, or not to dance: that is the question" I don`t want to tell you about good influence of dance on your life. There are many articles on this topic. I want to tell you only the truth. I`m a dancer and a choreographer, I have been dancing for 23 years, I was a director of the dancing school and I know about it much information. But I want to write only short theses. At the end of it you will receive answer on the question "To dance or not to dance". Firstly, if you want to dance you have to pay money. It doesn't depend on your level of dancing skills. If you are a beginner or a prof you have to improve yourself in it each day. You have to pay for your studying or you have to pay for a new style or for a master class which is given by another good dancer, you have to improve your stretching, it`s good to have a good fit too. And each time you have to pay money. Secondly, after each training you can have new bruises corns, strains and others injuries. It doesn’t matter if you dance yourself or you dance with a teacher, because all the time you learn something new and your body has to accustom for it. Your teacher can tell you how to avoid main mistakes, she can insure you first time but after that you have to try to do it by yourself. And of course each of us has own features, for example I receive bruises very easily - It`s the feature of my body. Thirdly you spend a lot of time doing it. If you think that You will attend only dance classes, it`s not truth. You can have additional classes for get ready for the competition or festival or to catch up the new combo, or choose and sew a new costume, or buy new clothes and shoes for training and etc. Продолжение в следующем посте 😉👆 #dance #heelschoreo #sexydance #ladydance #stripdance #танцыднепр #танцынакаблуках #танцыдлядевушек #учуанглийский

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